Sunday, June 27, 2010

Cameroon 1-2 Holland

Mbella Sonne Dipoko (1936-2009)

It was foretold long ago
That after Noah's deluge
The next destruction of the world
Would be by fire
And can't you feel the heat building up already,
The global warming up?

And so to fulfill the prophecy
Copenhagen is going to be
Just some more hot air
Presaging the sparks that would turn
Into the flames in which the world will be consumed
And then out of the ashes of ecocide capitalism
It won't be Christ on His second coming presiding
On Judgment Day
But Karl Marx returning like a revolutionary phoenix
Out of the ashes of the busting bubbles
Of the lopsided economies
Of our over-heated world

Gerrit Krol (1934- ; trans. John Irons)


A robin that taps against the window.
Not against the window but against the egg in which it sits
and breaks the egg in two.
Not the egg but the ice that breaks off downwards from Greenland.

A black sea in which white expanses drift.
Not expanses but mountains.
Not ice but granite.
Which the robin needs to sharpen its beak on.

Its beak stronger than the egg.

Stronger than Greenland.

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