Sunday, June 13, 2010

Algeria 0-1 Slovenia

Jean El-Mouhouv Amrouche (1906-1962)

Éboulez-vous montagnes...

Éboulez-vous montagnes,
Qui des miens m’avez séparé
Laissez à mes yeux la voie libre
Vers le pays de mon père bien-aimé.
Je m’acharne en vain à l’ouvrage
Mon cœur là-bas est prisonnier.
Paix et salut, ô mon pays !
Mes yeux ont parcouru des mondes
Ma vue est un orage de printemps
Dans les tumultes des neiges fondantes.
Mère, ô mère bien-aimée
Ah ! l’exil est un long calvaire !»

Tomaz Salamun (1941- ; trans. Charles Simic [astute readers will have noticed that I cannae do haceks, the word hacek being a case in point])

To a Golem

Lost in thought,
you came to watch me.
I’m like an olive branch – your face.
Houses are on fire in the sun.
The bridge is pasted together stone by stone
and the sky keeps gnawing.
The hands are seizing me.
I hear the motion of soft nibs.
Smoke rises out of me.
I evaporate into you, tasting your
fruit, passerby.
The sheep scratches herself on the rock,
the windows are wiped in a dream.
Sweet rehearsing pours over me.
I’m folding your door latches.
I shuck the black, silky
festive hall of your warm breath,
the impermanence of your life.


Anonymous said...

it's motion in the 8th line

James Womack said...

Fair enough. I'll set it right.