Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Influence of Environment

Our cat has started work as a literary critic. The book is Penguin's Selections from the Tatler and the Spectator, so I can't fault his taste, but it is a little worrying. Didn't Heine say something like, 'where books are clawed to pieces, eventually so are people'?


Anonymous said...

He needs a rubber mouse, and some knitting?

James Womack said...

He has a rubber mouse, and he chases balls of wool with alacrity and enthusiasm. The problem is one of timing: at the moment it is too hot in the middle of the day for him to do anything but sleep, and so, come night-time, he's relaxed and rested. And then we go to bed, so he's left alone all night to make his own entertainment, without anyone shouting at him when he does something wrong.