Monday, May 23, 2011

Francisco de Quiñones (c.1482-1540)

We are about to move house, and I suddenly realised that I didn't know anything about the person after whom our current street was named. Calle Quiñones? I don't think it's honouring Denise Quiñones (1980- ), the Puerto Rican actress and winner of the 2001 Miss Universe competition: I'm sure she will have streets named after her, but probably not this one.

More likely is Francisco de Quiñones, whose major claim to fame is his reform of the breviary in 1535-6 (unfortunately, its disregard for tradition led to its being proscribed by Paul IV in 1558). Sadly, I can't find a photo of the campaigning cardinal on the internet, so you'll have to make do with the charming Ms. Quiñones instead. More info on the religious here.

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