Monday, October 12, 2009


We went to Toledo with my parents-in-law. Toledo is famous for being old and tasty, and indeed it has a very good cathedral:

lots of pleasant winding streets;

a synagogue full of ghosts;

lots of swords and ham.

It also has some right-thinking people (and some left-thinking people),

and a street which is full of poor arguments.

I preferred Segovia, but it was pretty.


Anonymous said...

You have misspelt "Toledo" at the beginning- you put it as "Toldedo".
Life's good, getting there

James Womack said...

Yup, you're right: thanks. Sorted it out now. All's OK here.

Anonymous said...

One of those stone bishops looks just like Rowan Williams. Maybe in a former life?
Glad you got a little break away. Emilio says Segovia is fantastic by the way. Tom and I went to Toledo on a coach trip many years ago. I remember El Greco and mushy peas.
Love, Mum.

James Womack said...

Or maybe Rowan Williams just wanted to look the part?