Saturday, May 05, 2007

Current Favourite Sentences

Bumper crop today.

'He is only nine-and-twenty, and he has an immense lunatic asylum all under his own care.'

'"Good God, Professor!" I said, starting up. "Do you mean to tell me that Lucy was bitten by such a bat, and that such a thing is here, in London, in the nineteenth century?"'

'How many women are even now tenderly nursing ancient creeds, whose main virtue is the virtue of their professors?'

'They had sought for a good and worthy citizen to rule them; it was their misfortune that such an one could only be found among the dead.'


Tom Womack said...

Ah, the late Victorians (and, thanks to copyright law and Google, the easily-located-on-line late Victorians); is Richard Garnett actually any good?

May I deduce an interview for a C19-focussed job in your near future or immediate past, or is this for fun?

James Womack said...

No, no jobs in the offing, but neither stars nor dinosaurs were making me excited, so literature it is, sadly.

Richard Garnett is good-ish: I have a copy of his volume of short stories called 'The Twilight of the Gods' - they're well written, but smug in a very 1890s kind of way.